When we started shooting them, they closed their blinds so we couldn't see them. This meant we had to aim the laser sight through a gap in the blinds to annoy them further. Just when we thought the game was over and that the neighbors were no fun, the blinds opened to reveal a target they had kindly made for us and taped to the window!
After shooting the target a few times we decided more fun was necessary. We made a sign that read: "Will you make a can phone with us?" and shined a flashlight on it so they could read it.
The guys wanted to do it but the can they found was fumbled out the window to the yard below. We were more careful with ours but we still didn't have string. Our next sign said: "We need string."
Sadly neither house had string. Our final sign was a frowny face. Ah well. Maybe another night.

I'm jealous of your innovativeness