Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Look At Me Now

This is a picture of a musical duo who call themselves Karmin:

Looking at the picture of these two, I never imagined that this could come out of them:


It starts getting really intense around 1:03. The girl is crazy good.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Racewalking 2: Video Challenge

1) Open this link in a new tab: Racewalking Video
- Pause the video at the beginning and move to step 2

2) Open this link in a new tab: Appropriate Racewalking Background Music
- Wait for any adds at the start to finish playing

3) When the song begins, keep it playing and go to the race walk video page and start watching it simultaneously.

4) You're welcome.

5) Sorry Joel if you happen to see this post...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Racewalking: Dumbest "Sport" Ever

This "sport" is so stupid:
Racewalking Video

1) Even people who are track fans are ashamed of race walking
2) They look like their shins are going to break
3) It would be fitting if they all wore fanny packs
4) We used to do racewalking down the halls in the dorms before the RA made us stop because we were disturbing peoples sleep


As an attempt to be more optimistic and positive, my teammate (Megan) and I have begun trying to find the silver lining on things that initially seem bad.


- The good thing about a 4 hour Sunday morning practice is we don't have to worry about figuring out what to eat for breakfast because we just won't eat it.

- The good thing about when it gets extremely hot and humid and we race really badly is that we don't have to worry about feeling good about ourselves or about getting a feeling of accomplishment from the sport we dedicate so much time and energy to.

- The good thing about not getting enough sleep is that you don't have to feel awake for any portion of the day.

- The good thing about driving really far away to do a workout is that you don't have to worry about the inconvenience of planning what to do with your free time because you can just spend it swerving all over the road in the back of a smelly van.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Asserting Dominance

Last Friday while warming up with my team for our first cross country meet of the season, we ran by the rec fields where 3 little boys were playing soccer. One of them accidently kicked the ball out of the gate and it rolled into our path. In order to assert my dominance over these children, I punted the ball as far as possible away from them and then laughed in their faces. As we continued to run one of the boys' tiny prepubescent voices chirped out "You'll pay for that!". He was wrong. I did not pay for it.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sleep Deprivation

Last night I slept for 11 hours. The night before I slept for 5 hours. I kind of feel the same amount of tired today as I did yesterday. I guess its not super healthy to have such random sleep patterns.

Online one time I saw that a sign of sleep deprivation is a growing anger and near hatred of everything and everyone around you. Sounds fun! I do think that when I am sleep deprived I tend to develop hatred for random strangers that I know nothing about. How dare that guy in the computer lab have such a loud carrying voice! Why does that girl in the hallway think its ok to talk on the phone in another language and virtually eliminate my ability to eavesdrop? The nerve. And why do those 2 people I have never seen before think they should greet each other so cheerfully? It is early and they shouldn't be able to summon that much energy. Soooo inconsiderate.

Another sign of sleep deprivation is being socially inept. If that is true then I have been sleep deprived every day since birth. Or at least since learning to speak coherently. You can't really expect a baby to be a social butterfly when they can't talk.

I want to nap later. Maybe I will but usually when I wake up from a nap in the middle of the day i feel like I have been run over several times by a steam roller and then tortured via water board for a couple hours. Maybe I won't. But probably will.