Online one time I saw that a sign of sleep deprivation is a growing anger and near hatred of everything and everyone around you. Sounds fun! I do think that when I am sleep deprived I tend to develop hatred for random strangers that I know nothing about. How dare that guy in the computer lab have such a loud carrying voice! Why does that girl in the hallway think its ok to talk on the phone in another language and virtually eliminate my ability to eavesdrop? The nerve. And why do those 2 people I have never seen before think they should greet each other so cheerfully? It is early and they shouldn't be able to summon that much energy. Soooo inconsiderate.
Another sign of sleep deprivation is being socially inept. If that is true then I have been sleep deprived every day since birth. Or at least since learning to speak coherently. You can't really expect a baby to be a social butterfly when they can't talk.
I want to nap later. Maybe I will but usually when I wake up from a nap in the middle of the day i feel like I have been run over several times by a steam roller and then tortured via water board for a couple hours. Maybe I won't. But probably will.
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