Saturday, January 29, 2011


Right now I am in Arkansas. The high today is 68! Suck it everyone in colder areas. Only for today though. I will be back in Iowa and the coldness by around 2 or 3AM. At least its still gonna be warmer than MN!

Yesterday I got to run outside in shorts and a sports bra and then do strides on the 2009 NCAA National Championship Track. It is probably the coolest track ever.

Also, the meet is indoors on a banked track. The way the track is set up, lane 6 is at about face height and you can get all up close and personal with the person starting in blocks in that lane. Last night was the 200 and me and Brittany and Nicole stood by the start and put our faces right by the edge of the outer lane. If you wanted to, you could poke your head in there when they are in there starting pose and really freak 'em out. It was interesting watching how crazy intense their eyes were while waiting for the gun to go off. Well, thats all.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Basement Maze

For Lab today I had to find a mysterious room in the basement of the engineering building. I went down there and followed a guy who I thought was probably headed to the same place. Unfortunately all the hallways look the same and he was lost too. We wandered a little and then came across a professor and I asked him where to go. His directions were extremely confusing. He said to go all the way down the hall, around a corner, take the elevator, press the button with the W on it, go up half a floor, then go around another corner and the room was over there somewhere. Three of the elevator buttons had W's on them. We pressed one and thankfully guessed right and somehow got there only about 5 minutes late. I didn't think a map would be necessary to get there but apparently there are 2 basements and they aren't really connected. Maybe engineers should have designed it.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And So It Begins

Going to the first classes in a new semester is a game. Here is how you score each class:

Number of exams scheduled for the semester (Not including finals):
None = +3pts; One = 0pts; Two = -1pt; Three = -2pts; Four or more = -4pts

Time of Day:
Starts before 8AM = -5pts; Starts from 8-9AM = -3pts; Starts after 9AM and not a night class = +4pts (unless it interferes with practice); Night class = -2pts

How interesting is the teacher?
On a scale of excruciatingly boring (-3pts) to really interesting (+3pts)

If it interferes with other important activities (work/practice/etc.) = -5pts
If something makes your attendance required (pop quizzes, taking attendance, etc.) = -4pts
If the prof has an accent = -3pts (crazy accent) or +3pts (sexy accent)
The class doesn't get curved = -4pts
No partial credit = -4pts
Lots of required reading = -2pts

I was doing pretty good today until I got to my final class and the prof said "Zee three mid terms vill not be curved and no partial credit vill be geevin." ... accent (-3), no partial credit (-4), no curve (-4), during practice (-5), 3 exams (-2). Dang.