So, we have yet to find a single dead mouse in our house... but we did find a very alive one tonight! The thing was really fat and slow because it had been feasting on our food for weeks. Clearly the traps and the rat poison are super effective.
To get rid of it, we first stood at the top of the stairs looking at it and shrieking for a bit and then, when this failed, we started trying more aggressive pursuit. Kathryn thought it was a good idea to put poison directly in her hand and throw it at the mouse. The box says if the poison touches your skin you need to rinse for 15-20 minutes. Idiot. Also, poison doesn't work the instant the mouse touches it... they have to eat it and then they die a few days later making it completely useless to just throw it at the mouse. Anyways, Jackie was brave and went down and trapped it in a box and then we ran outside and released it across the street. Sick. I hope it doesn't have too many friends living here.

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