I have had the house to myself for 3 days. I have discovered that it is nice sometimes but I definitely prefer having roommates.
- I can be really weird (even more than usual)
- I know now that if I live alone I will become a crazy cat lady. I have had numerous discussions with my cat, Sgt. Pepper
- Nakedness is now acceptable but according to Sgt. Pepper, not preferable
- I can be really loud and messy -- though I haven't quite taken advantage of this yet
- No distractions so I can do ALL my homework. HAHAHAHA like that will happen...
- The mice are going to kill me because there are more of them in the house then there are people
- I have to call my mom when I check the traps for mice carcasses so that I don't have to do it alone
- It is waaaayyy to quiet
- Alissa's ADHD self and Kathryn's non stop woman dramas aren't here to entertain
- No Jackie dino noises and cuddlekins
- I have to be responsible for stuff (like calling about the gas leak, calling about the mice, calling about the stove not working...which I haven't done yet, buying trash bags, locking the doors at night). So difficult.
Well, thats all I can think of right now. Everyone is coming back tomorrow!!!!!