Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Projects Suck. I'm Tired.

Here is a trend I have noticed with projects: they are always at least one thousand times more irritating than you think they will be when they are first introduced by a professor. On the outside they look all cute and innocent and you suspect that it is going to be only mildly annoying to complete but on the inside they are completely terrible and capable of sucking every ounce of life out of your previously happy soul. Projects are a vicious trap for your everyday procrastinator (like me and 98.8% of college students--if you get things done in advance you are kinda weird).

If I cared less about my grades/ my future I would:

- Write a paper where it begins with typed words then switches to pen, then pencil, then devolves into crayoned pictures of me burning the paper using laser beams that shoot out from my eyes.
- Make a powerpoint presentation where the first slide looks all normal and the second slide says "POWERPOINT OVER. SUCK IT!"
- Instead of turning in a report, turn in my textbook with the author's name sharpied out and my name replacing it. Attach a post-it saying which section of "my work" contains the topic of interest.
- Turn in photos of how I occupied my time not doing the project with a note saying "My weekend was funner than urs."

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