1) Unannounced, silent staring contest with a stranger. Step it up a notch by licking your lower lip several times during the contest.
2) Mutter things violently under your breath. Throw in words like "kill", "thirst for blood", and "walls closing in".
3) Throw yourself against the wall and then the floor and run into a couple people then look confused and say "Hmm... the gravity shifts only effect me..."
4) Practice smiling at people with only half your face.
5) Practice frowning at people with only half your face.
6) Make your eyes as large as possible and when you have to blink, make it cause a shutter through your entire body.
7) Sit on the floor cross-legged and facing the back of the bus.
8) Play a game where you can't close your mouth for the entire ride. If this doesn't get a reaction, also try touching your chin to your belly button.
9) Sit really really close to the only other passenger on the bus.
10) On a crowded bus, where it is standing room only, rest your chin on the shoulder of the person in front of you. If they are taller than you, just try your best.