YES. Done with finals. Done with homework. Done Done Done.
Now to start forgetting everything I learned (or thought I learned until starting the test and realizing I most definitely had not in fact learned).

During finals week everything other than finals seems really unimportant. There is no time to return texts or go running or take a shower or express interest in what other people are saying or take care of yourself or clean anything. This became especially noticeable this year as my peak studying period happened to coincide with my desperately needing to do laundry and buy food period. For lunch yesterday I had a few clementines, some almonds, a protein bar, and some cookies because it was all I could find within 50 feet of my desk. Then, as soon as each final is taken, all that stuff that became your life is suddenly meaningless and will probably never be used again. I for one could not be more happy about never having to hear about solving the 2D partial differential wave equation using the Fourier series or separation of variables method. Fourier can suck it.
After about 40 hours of straight studying with only about 2 hours of sleep and no meaningful human contact followed by 6 hours of finals followed by 2 hours of paper writing I went for a really weird run in the rain. It felt like I was on several different types of drugs and my iPod sounded like the world was a concert. Ya...then I slept for 12 hours.
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