-Every car commercial ever: lets watch cars drive while an annoying voice shouts about miles per gallon and apr financing.
- Olive Garden: "When you're here, you're family." FALSE. I have been to Olive Garden.
- Shane Company Diamonds: Even more boring than Ben Stein
- Class Action Law Suit Commercials: "Have you taken Alodiphan in the last 7 years and do you now have frequent hernias and or bowel infections???"
- Commercials with annoying jingles: "Nationwide is on you side", "National American University"
- Commercials that make it sound like you will get an amazing career from attending crappy online University's like National American University or Globe College or Minnesota School of Bidness and that you can do it by doing 10 minutes of work whenever you feel like it
- McDonalds: There has never been a good McDonalds commercial made ever in history
- Toothbrush commercials: I don't want to see the nasty yellow plaque and green gobbies getting dislodged from someone's disgusting mouth
Am I missing anything??? Yes. There are millions of terrible commercials that I can't think of right now. In fact, 2389 out of every 2394 commercials are pretty bad.
haha what are the four commerical per every 2394 that are good??
ReplyDeleteHaha yes. I finally noticed this. I remember when we talked about horrible commercials once before a workout. You forgot the one for Empire Carpets. 588-2300 EMPIRE! (I think I remember you saying you had this in Minnesota.) I'm also happy you mentioned the ones for those online universities. SO ANNOYING! NO ONE WILL ACCEPT THOSE CREDITS!
ReplyDeleteThe 4 good commercials are up for debate. There aren't that many universally loved commercials.
ReplyDeleteAnd I CANNOT BELIEVE I FORGOT ABOUT EMPIRE CARPET. That commercial blows.