First, I got an email saying that President Obama is going to come and tour the plant on Tuesday. This plant is huge so I most likely will not see him but maybe I will try and wander around and casually bump into him. "Oh, hey there Mr. President, I didn't know you were going to be here today...lets grab lunch and talk policy if I can find time to schedule you in." Fool proof plan. I will make myself sound super busy so then I sound more important to the running of the company and thus to the running nation.
Second, minutes later, I got a phone call from one of the HR people who was in charge of orientation. At the end of the week long event everyone was rewarded with an extremely trendy and completely feminine, long sleeve, button up, denim shirt with a company logo on the breast. It goes with EVERYTHING. Anyways, they didn't have my size so I didn't get one...UNTIL TODAY!!!! The call was that my gorgeous shirt had arrived and I could pick it up. Needless to say, I practically sprinted across the plant to get the one part of my wardrobe that I have been missing.
What a day.
Whoa. The shirt deal is even more exciting than Obama coming!! What a thrill