I thought I wouldn't get to see Obama because they announced that only 200 people would be randomly selected from 2200 employees and I didn't think I would be a lucky one. Wrong! On Saturday morning I got a call saying my name was picked. I almost pooped myself.
So today, I somehow managed to get a fifth row seat at the speech! I may have budged in front of some people but thats beside the point. Once seated, we all sat there for 3 hours waiting for the president to arrive and it was completely worth it. First the ceo of the company showed up and then the governor of Iowa, several important congressmen, and a bunch of mayors, the king of eastern Iowa, and finally the prince of Persia. They all sat in a section about 20 feet away from me. After a REALLY long time, some official person went up front and took the "Seal of the President of the United States" out of this really nice looking bag and hung it on the front of the podium. A little while later, Obama came jogging into the room waving like a sports star with the typical presidential entrance music and the announcer saying "Ladies and gentlemen, The President of the United States!". He must get really sick of that every time he enters a room. Anyways, he gave his speech and it was good. He knew more about the company than I did. Afterwards, people went up front to shake hands with him and I tried to get there but missed my opportunity by about 1 foot. So close! Oh well, it was still really awesome to be there and I will remember it forever.
Airport-like security at the entrance: