The past two days I have been reading for (dare I say) fun. It has been a really strange experience. The urge to pick up a book and look at the words inside it is one that I am fairly unfamiliar with.
Normally, I despise reading. I can count the number of books I have read in college on one hand...with 3 fingers. Last summer I attempted to read a book for fun and I got about a third of the way through and just couldn't take it anymore. The feeling of literary knowledge voluntarily entering my brain made me want to vomit. Also, textbooks are not for reading; they are for skimming. For Christmas, my brother gave me a book of Awkward Family Photos and my Mom commented, somewhat alarmed, "You gave her a book?!?" To this, my brother responded, "Don't worry, It is mostly pictures".
Anyways, this reading for fun all started when the internet broke. What was I to do with my time if I couldn't watch online tv??? I couldn't call a friend because it was morning still. We had given my mom a book for Christmas called "Unbroken" so, although repulsed by the principle of it, I picked up the book and opened to the first page.

As it turns out, this book is the true story of a man named Louis Zamperini, who had probably one of the most interesting lives ever lived. He qualified for the 1936 Olympics in the 5000m run, travelled there on a ship with Jesse Owens, met Hitler, was thought by many to be the guy who would first break 4 min in the mile, got drafted into the Air Force for WWII, and flew several spectacular, heroic missions before his plane went down in the ocean. Right now I am about halfway through the book and Louie and another guy have been stranded at sea for 21 days, circled by sharks, and drifting into enemy waters. I am going to go read it more now.
reading for fun and being awake in the morning?? who are you!