Saturday, September 25, 2010

6 ways to make your life more epic:

1. Announce your arrival when you enter any room ("Attention everyone: I am here now and I am entering the room"). Also, announce when you leave.

2. Listen to Pirates of the Caribbean theme music while performing menial tasks (example: washing dishes, folding clothes, making breakfast, etc). You will feel like you have embarked on an odyssey.

3. Wear a cape.

4. Learn to flip a pancake by just moving the frying pan real fast instead of using a spatula.

5. When walking places take as direct of a route as possible (over fences, cut through big crowds, ignore sidewalks and cars).

6. Climb a building.

Boom. Your life is epic.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Here's to You Class Hero

One of my professors is not very nice. He speaks very arrogantly and told me to either quit cross country or drop his class (oops I didn't do either of those things). He also gives really mean pop quizzes. Today for a pop quiz he gave us a good 15 seconds to remember a random fact from a previous class and then had us turn it in. Afterwords he asked how many people got it right and only one person raised their hand (the class jerk). Then he asked why everyone got it wrong and some guy (the class hero) said this:

Prof: Does anyone have a good reason for getting it wrong?
Student: (raises hand) Cuz I am not a human encyclopedia so I don't have the ability to recall random equations from a year ago in less than 30 seconds.
Prof: Then how do you usually figure out problems that require equations?
Student: I look them up on the internet.
Prof: And how long does that take?
Student: A good 30 to 40 seconds.
Prof: What if the server is down?
Student: I have internet on my phone. The server is never down.
Prof: Lets say you are stranded on a desert island with no resources---
Student: ---then I wouldn't be doing circuits problems.

Bravo class hero. You made my day. You are still a nerd though.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Watch this. I love it too much.

Watch this:

It is too good. Jackie shared this on my facebook wall and the song has dominated my thoughts ever since.

This weekend was procrastination station for sure. Wasted a LOT of time. Fail. Just like this:

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Train in my ear

Last Friday every train in the United States converged on Iowa City and each one announced its presence with a deafening roar in my ear. I swear it was every five minutes for the entire day. In addition, every night a train arrives and rudely blows its massive horn at precisely the moment that I am about to fall asleep. Thanks train. Here is what will happen to the next train that wakes me up at 5AM:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


THE SLOTH WINS. Hands down. I was really tired today so I laid in bed with my computer and looked at sloth pictures on google while listening to classical music. Here's a good one:

Also, click to see this: cat adopted a baby squirrel and taught it to purr. It is cool. My dog is selfish because he has never adopted another species and taught it to bark.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bein' a Rebel!

Katie, Hannah, and Nicole came over to watch football today. Hannah asked how many people were going to be there and I said 4. It was a lie cuz there were actually over 20! Earlier, I ate breakfast minutes before running. Later I broke Kathryn's guitar string. Intentionally. Soooo BA.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Murder Shed Lab

This morning Fluid Mechanics lab was in a dusty shed by the river. The shed was full of big construction equipment and machines. There was a university sign outside the building but it was only there to lure in students to be killed. Somehow I made it out alive.

The picture is of the TA's

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

This is a blog.

I had a blog before and I wrote on it once. Goal for this blog: write on it twice. If things go well, maybe 3 times. That might be too hard. I dunno.