Radio Star
Today on the way to work I was listening to Red Hot Ryan Scott and Tony Tone on B100 and they asked for people to call in to talk about driving before they got their licenses. Being extremely bored I dialed the number and was really amazed when someone answered. Then I was on hold for a little but ended up talking to Red Hot and Tony about the MN government getting shut down so I couldn't get my permit and then my Dad allowing me to drive anyways. Next we talked about when I let my friend's 12 year old sister drive my car right after I got my license. After that, either Ryan Scott or Tony Tone called me sweetie and I began to wonder how old they thought I was based only on my voice. Before I had told them about letting my friend's sister drive, they had asked me if I ended up getting a license, which I did...5 years ago. I am pretty sure they thought it was recent.
hahaha YESSS