Making Friends and Escape
Today I made a friend. I was in stats lecture and I was trying to slip out a little early so I was waiting for the prof to face the chalkboard so she wouldn't see me leave. When she did, I was poised and ready. I quickly but quietly stood up and made for the exit. Out of the corner of my eye, from across the aisle I saw motion. Some guy had been waiting to do the exact same thing and pretty much mirrored my attempt at the door. After exiting Van Allen we talked about how we had both planned our escape and then congratulated each other on our success. He said he had left because he forgot to pay his parking meter and didn't want a ticket. I admitted I left because I was bored. There was already a ticket on his car. Sad day. Maybe we will leave early together more often.
hahaha. I thought this was funny at first. Then I saw the associated picture and had to laugh out loud. oh gosh. this is the greatest blog since sliced bread.
ReplyDeletePREPARE. RETREAT. take two
I cannot wait to see what happens at this retreat. There is no way it can be as amazing as the other one. Maybe we can both blog about it after!