Yesterday at practice, McKenzie and I mastered the art of Doga. It is like yoga except it is about angles instead of curves and shallow breathing instead of deep breathing. It is also important to have all fingers pointed during every exercise. Not only can the principles of Doga be applied to running but, as McKenzie pointed out, they can be applied to everything in life. There is also a traditional way to say goodbye in Doga that says: "this isn't goodbye, it is just another opportunity for us to say hello again in the future". Thanks Doga!
The Strangers: this movie doesn't get any less scary no matter how many times you see it. My favorite moment of last night was going to Lauren, Amanda, and Betsy's house (after we all watched this movie) with masks and signs that said: "lock your doors" and "Is Tamra there? Are you sure?" We knocked on the back door then the front door and then just stood silently in their yard with our masks. Then when they came out we sprinted back to the car. As we drove back by their house they where all out in the yard holding up the signs with blank expressions. HA! fun.
Also, the vet said Sgt. Pepper is a boy! This is good because neutering is cheaper than spaying. He is asleep in my lap right now and he just farted and it is absolutely rank.