I run really bad when its hot and since it turns out that global warming is not a myth after all, I am trying to speed up the acclimatization process this year by dressing warm and being really uncomfortable for a while. Hopefully this will eventually make high temperatures seem cooler. So far I haven't noticed anything but I guess it takes a while to start noticing the effects.
I have, however, learned not to acclimatize while sleeping. I went to bed on a hot night wearing a full sweat suit and woke up drenched and disgusting.
I also learned that steam rooms are like hell. Today me and Katie tried out a steam room and we almost suffocated to death within the first minute and had to leave for the sauna. They put oils in the steam for your skin or something but the only thing we noticed was the feeling of breathing in poison and a burning sensation deep in the lungs. When more steam started pouring out of some vents near the floor it was way too much like being gassed so we escaped. In the sauna we met a lady who said your immune system gets boosted by being in there. She said she goes in every day for 20-30 minutes and almost never gets sick. While, I usually go in for zero minutes and I almost never get sick either! HA! Take that lady! She was super nice.
Here is a makeshift steam room for your home:
My wife (aka roommate) and I went to Des Moines to drop off our son (aka cat) at his adoptive parents (aka roommates sister and husband's) house. We realized we were married sometime last year when it turned out our rental agreement was really a marriage license and our landlord was actually a priest who went around tricking people into marriages. That jerk. Anywho, we decided to make our trip to Des Moines into a honeymoon since we never had one.
So here is what we did on our honeymoon:
- Dropped off our son, never to be seen again
- Looked at old pictures and videos with the wife's childhood friend Andrew then went to sleep before midnight
- Slept in and the wife made me breakfast
- Ran into a median with my car and destroyed the front tire
- Exchanged the tire for my temporary donut tire using Kathryn's lesbo-knowledge to figure things out, my cross country runner strength to pry off lug nuts (thanks coach Wynn!), and Andrew's moral support and photography skills to document the amazingness.
- Ate at Woody's BBQ
- Visited Kathryn's mom (also my mother-in-law I guess?) at her school nurse job
- Went to get the tire fixed and it took forever so we wandered the aisles of petco, toys R us, and target for hours til it was fixed. Turned our I broke the tire pressure gauge --- more money.
- Got BeBops to go.
- Drove back to Iowa City. Honeymoon over.
All in all, super good honeymoon with my wife and Andrew!!! Yay Des Moines!
Invent one.
Last Friday to Monday was a 4 day weekend because class just wasn't going to happen on Friday or Monday and also I had to go to the National Rollerskating Museum in Lincoln, and the University of Nebraska Natural History Museum, and Indoor Track Big Tens, and my house in MN, and then back to Iowa. All these things clearly require 4 days.
The best thing about this vacation was that it was a solo adventure. Not that I don't like people, I just like doing what I want, when I want. Sometimes when other people are around you have to do what they want, when they want and its not as awesome.
According to the sign in book, the rollerskating museum had no other visitors for a week and a there was a rollerskating super nerd working there. He said he was really into rollerskating and I think he REALLY was. Apparently there is a whole different subculture in rollerskating that I never even knew about before and they all live in Lincoln, NE and work at the museum.
I learned that the Rollerskating National Championships is held annually and there are categories of Dance, Hockey, Speed, and Derby. There are also roller club teams and coaches. I hope to never become a rollerskating coach. That sounds way too dumb. I also learned that Tara Lipinski was a highly ranked rollerskating star before she started ice skating. It was probably a smart move to switch to a publicly recognized sport.
Here is a picture of the museum: