Friday, August 12, 2011

WORK = DONE. Sort of.

Today was my last day at the 'ol internship. It was kind of depressing because I felt like I met a lot of cool people there that I may not ever see again. I was pretty excited to have a week of summer before school starts. I say "was excited" because that was before I remembered I don't get a summer.

Instead I get to go to Dubuque for 5 days because one of my classes has "jump start week". This week was named in an attempt to make extra school sound fun. Well, my idea of fun involves a lot more sleep and tv and seeing friends and does not involve any sort of schedule or wearing of business casual clothing or wearing of more clothing than just shorts and a sports bra.

Here are the things that I already know I won't like about "jump start week" that wouldn't happen if I got my week of summer:

1) Waking up to an alarm
2) Immediately getting out of bed instead of lounging for several hours
3) Dressing nice
4) Feigning interest in things
5) Not napping
6) Conversing with people I will only talk to next week and never again
7) Being polite
8) Learning
9) Thinking
10) Having a positive attitude
11) Being asked questions like "What did you do this summer?" because there is nothing else to talk about
12) Introducing myself to people
13) Running by myself
14) Walking
15) Trying to stay awake

I am sure there will be plenty of good things but those are way less fun to mention.

1 comment:

  1. Does this mean you're not coming to Galena so we can't do the first team workout together? Jump start week is stupid!!!!!!!!!
